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Sex: Health & Essentials

Understanding and practicing sexual health is the foundation for a satisfying, responsible, and evolving sex life. This ‘need to know’ sexual health info will help you and your partner(s) make fun choices, smart choices.


Sex Q&A

Satisfy your curiosity with answers to all your burning questions, and grow your sexual confidence – regardless of where your life of sexual discovery is at.

Q&A – Where is the best shop to buy condoms?
Sex Q&A

Q&A – Where is the best shop to buy condoms?

Condoms can be bought in most supermarkets and chemists.

Q&A – I am 18 and never had sex. Am I abnormal?
Sex Q&A

Q&A – I am 18 and never had sex. Am I abnormal?

You are NOT abnormal! You are simply waiting to find the right person to share sex with and that’s perfectly ok.

Q&A – Partner has been asking for nude photos via text!
Sex Q&A

Q&A – Partner has been asking for nude photos via text!

It takes a lot of courage to do this and I congratulate you on writing in and asking for advice.

When’s the right time to have sex with my partner?
Sex Q&A

When’s the right time to have sex with my partner?

There is no right and wrong time to have sex…