Q&A – What’s an Orgasm?
An orgasm is different for each person and because of this it’s a tricky sensation to describe.
Understanding and practicing sexual health is the foundation for a satisfying, responsible, and evolving sex life. This ‘need to know’ sexual health info will help you and your partner(s) make fun choices, smart choices.
An orgasm is different for each person and because of this it’s a tricky sensation to describe.
If he respects you and listens then he will support your choice.
Sexuality is fluid, meaning it can change over time.
Lube makes sex more fun for everyone!
I want to talk to tell my partner I’m ready to have sex with him, but I don’t know how to do it right. Can you give me advice on what to say? Being open and honest with your communication is the best way to be with partners. If you feel ready to have sex […]
The fact she gave you condoms means she wants to support you in being safe if you do have sex,
Condoms can be bought in most supermarkets and chemists.
This is the safest way to give oral sex.
You are NOT abnormal! You are simply waiting to find the right person to share sex with and that’s perfectly ok.
It takes a lot of courage to do this and I congratulate you on writing in and asking for advice.
Some people are allergic to sperm. Unfortunate, but true. Known as ‘sperm allergy’, it’s a rare reaction to the proteins found in semen. Symptoms can include redness, swelling, pain and a burning sensation. These symptoms are often localised to the, ah, area that has been in contact with semen, and a reaction usually starts as quickly as 10 […]
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